RoboTiCS 2022


What is RoBoTiCS?
The part of science that designs, builds, and uses robots to perform tasks traditionally done by humans.

Astro, a domestic robot
What is a RoBoT?
A robot is a machine that performs tasks without
the help of humans.

Many people think that robots look and act like people... But robots can only do the tasks they have been programmed for.

How does a RoBoT work?
Through an electro-mechanical system.
Because of its appearance and movements sometimes is like it has an own purpose.

A robot has a program to work, but it can be modified and reprogrammed.

Go to the next website and read about the different types of robots nowadays, chose one as your favorite and explain why:

What are the attributes of a robot?
How is the relationship between robots and humans?
Where can we use robots?

Robotics Through Time

Videos: Historia de los Robots - Grupo Educare
Evolución de los Robots - TLife

Robotics in Abraham Lincoln
In ICT classes we will build with different prototypes and structures that will solve real life problems, we will research and analize data using some processes, getting,  arguing, evaluating and communicating information. We will use the basic principles of science.
We will be...
  • Developing and using different models.
  • Planning and researching.
  • Analizing and understanding data.
  • Developing computational thinking.
  • Designing solutions.
  • Arguing from evidence.
  • Evaluating and communicating information.

1. Be on time.
2. Each group should organize their work space.
3. Get the set. Make an initial inventory and sign the form.
4. Take on the respective role in your team, showing responsibility.
5. Build the model according to the work instructions and time.
6. During the work the students must be careful with all resources and equipment.
7. After the teacher check, take the model apart and organize the pieces in the container.
8. Make a final inventory, sign the form, and return the set.

Work in Teams: Group Roles
In the project, each member of the team takes a different role, this will lead to the accomplishment of a common goal. The roles in the team have specific functions and will alternate. The roles in the team are: The leader, the materials organizer, and the builder.

Trabajo en Equipo:
La Robótica no sólo se trata de hacer robots - By P.C.Ruiz Ted Talks


About the Lego set we will work with:
Lego 9698 / Renewable Energies

Set Lego 9686: 396 pieces

Set Renewable Energies: 
It is a Complementary set to do specific structures. 12 pieces.

Videos sugeridos:
Historia de Lego - Drawing Things
La Historia de Lego - By Grupo Educativa
LEGO - La historia de los ladrillos de plástico más famosos del mundo - Cocóptero Datos
Qué son los robots - Brainpop
Componentes de un robot - Educare
Evolución de la Robótica - Epson España
RoBoTs - By Brainpop


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