Desining Surveys

Surveys Everywhere

Look at these pictures, choose one of them and think about it.

Surveys are a research method used for collecting data from people 
to gather information on various topics.

How does a survey work?
It gives a series of questions that many people are asked 
to collect data or to detect public opinion on a specific issue.

Types of Surveys
Survey using traditional method.
Verbal surveys.
Online surveys.
An online survey is a set of questions, that the person (respondent) completes over the internet, 
generally filling out a form. 

What are the advantages of an online survey?
An online survey is an easier way to reach out to the people as it is faster and cheaper than the traditional way of gathering information through one to one interaction.

Taken from

What is the target?
The target is extremely important because it is the public that 
will be the future consumer of the product or service we want to offer. 
Our survey will be to research uses, opinions and knowledge about some UoI topics, so let's define our "target".

Types of Answers on a Survey

On a regular survey answers can be:

A multiple choice answer.
A close answer (Yes/No).
Clasification or qualification answer.
Open answer (text).

Class Activity
1. Work in pairs and ask for your survey topic. 
2. According to the topic make 3 to 5 questions and 3 or 4 possible answers for each one.
3. Check your questions / answers with your teacher.

**Microsoft Forms**

4. You can only send the survey once you get the teachers approval.

**Just in case you should correct something, read your survey again before sending it.

5. The 2 partners should analyze the answers to their survey and then share the results with the class.
Informational Resources

¿Qué es una encuesta? - By QuestionPro
La encuesta - By Oyuki Palacios
¿Qué es el "público objetivo" o "target"?
Media for Kids: Understand Types of Media - By Mometrix Academy
How To Do a Survey - Website
Encuesta - By Nydia Mellizo
Mass Media as a Social Institution - By jsprcrz
Medios de Comunicación Masivos - By Gismas Umariana
Como afectan los medios de comunicación a la sociedad actual - By Erick Aquino
10 ventajas de la technología en la educación - By R. Montoya
Ventajas y desventajas del uso de las TICs en educación - By M.L. Calixto
Ventajas y desventajas de la tecnología - By pasos firmes
The Good and Bad of Social Media
Diferencia entre medios de comunicación y medios de información
¿Cómo elaborar un buen cuestionario? - By Rocio Salas
Tendencias que cambiarán la comunicación en medios en el 2018
Forms - ¿Cómo se crean preguntas?
MS Forms: Encuestas con Office 365 - By Celula Estudiantil
Microsorf Forms Full Tutrial - By Prolific Oaktree


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