Sources of Information

What is a source of information?
A source of information is a person, thing or place from which information or knowledge comes, arises, or is obtained. Sources of information are divided into categories, primary, secondary and so on.

What is a primary and a secondary source of informatión?
Primary sources (e.g. statistical data, autobiographies or interview transcripts) contain raw information that has not been analyzed, summarized or interpreted, while secondary sources (e.g. literature reviews, documentaries, or books) are interpreted, evaluated or synthesized.
In general, primary sources are considered more credible than secondary sources because raw information is never wrong. An interpretation or analysis, on the other hand can be wrong.

What is an online source of information?
An online source is the material you find on Internet. It can be an online newspaper, magazine or television website such as CNN or Canal 4, online version of journals, webpages, forums and blogs, they are also called electronic sources.
Since so many sources are available online. It's important to know which ones are reliable and how to cite them.

E-Magazines - Article:
Online Regular Publications:


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