Social Networks Visually - MS Excel

What is a social network?
A social network is a website that allows people with similar interest to come together and share information, photos and videos... The most popular social networks for this type of familiar interaction include Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

How do social networks work?
People use social networks to share more than words, they share ideas, content in pictures, videos, audios. Then other users share that content with their personal contacts, in this way the information reaches others very quickly.

Class Activity - MS Excel

Follow the instructions:

1. Create a new Excel book, from the desktop Excel.
2. Name the book: 
Social Networks 5X Last name

Worksheet 1: Social Networks
Make a chart pointing the social network, the main use, the date and who created it.

Creators of the most popular social networks - Avor Consulting

Worksheet 2: Social Networks Users over the years (Since 2015). Make a chart pointing the social network and the users over the years since 2015. Then create a 2D bar graph showing the information, apply all necesary settings to explain it.

Redes Sociales más usadas en 2019 - Multiplicalia

Use the same information and create a new 3D graphic about the same topic.

Worksheet 3: Choose a topic from the website below and create a 2D or 3D graphic, apply settings. Explain the graphic. Try not to repeat the grafics that are shown. 

Estadísticas de consumo digital en el Perú

Worksheet 4: Choose a subject from one of the websites below, create a graphic and explain it.

Social Network & Publicity 
Redes Sociales más usadas por los Peruanos
Famosos mas seguidos en redes sociales

Upload the Excel book to your OneDrive.

Resources for Information:
Social Media Advertising
How Social Media Advertising Works
Redes Sociales más usadas en 2019 - Multiplicalia
Creators of the most popular social networks - Avor Consulting


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