PYP Exhibition 2019 - Visual Aid

Sharing the Planet

Planning my visual resource:

  • Information must be completed.
  • Charts and numbers must selected.
  • Roles and contents must be shared.
  • Digital Resources must be decided.
  • Devices ready - One Drive :)
  • Consider creating an AL mail group with the people involved to make communication easier.

Making the visual resource:

One of the group members must create a folder in its one drive and name it: 

5X Group XX Topic

Inside this folder create the necesary sub-folders to organize the group resources: pictures, information, surveys, etc. As a sugestion use capital letters for the names.
The folder must be shared with: All the group members, the homeroom teacher, the mentors and Ms. Atkins /5A - Ms. Mirella Rodríguez /5B - Ms. Rivas /5C - Ms. Cris Rodríguez /5D

The subject on the message must be:

5X Visual Aid - Group XX Topic

In this folder each member is able to save important information that will be used in the presentation.

Inside the folder create an online presentation in PPT and name the presentation: 

5X Group XX - Topic

If the group prefers to start the presentation with a template, ask the teacher.
To create the visual resource follow this order for the information:
Let's check some previous presentation. Take notes.

Part 1 - How did we work?

*Topic and the people involved. *Introduction (can be a short video, play or activity to sensitize the audience) *Our purpose (what you want to do or to tell, doing this work) *Transdisciplinary theme (the theme, the central idea, the lines of inquiry) *How did we plan the inquiry (how did the group organize and plan the work from the begining) *How did we research (mention all the sources)

Part 2 - What did we learn?

This is all about the inquiry, the organization of the information of each line of inquiry, develop and conclussions of all of them.

Part 3 - About reflection:

Part 4 - About the personal/group action, sources and acknowledgements:


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