
Showing posts from May, 2019

Surveys - MS Forms

Surveys Everywhere Look at these pictures, choose one of them and think about it. Wha t is a survey? Surveys are a research method used for collecting data from people  to gather information on various topics. How does a survey work? It gives a series of questions that many people are asked  to collect data or to detect public opinion on a specific issue. Types of Surveys Survey using traditional method. Verbal surveys. Online surveys. What is an online survey? An online survey is a set of questions, that the person (respondent) completes over the Internet,  generally filling out a form.  What are the advantages of an online survey? An online survey is an  easier  way to reach out to the people as it is  faster  and  cheaper  than the traditional way of gathering information through one to one interaction. Taken from y What is the target? The target is extremely important, i

UoI: Energía - Energías Renovables

Estaciones Solares ¿Qué es una estación de energía solar? Recursos Informativos Energía Solar: Un Potencial por Explorar - National Geographic Funcionamiento de una central solar fotovoltática Energía Solar Fotovoltática - By Acciona Paneles Solares para el Hogar - by Giraffe Como funciona una central de energía solar Como funciona un panel solar Test Personal - Energía Renovable Estación Solar - Guía de Construcción ¿Qué es un generador manual de energía? Generador Manual de Energía - Guía de Construcción Una vez terminado el diseño, observa el vídeo y haz el ejercicio propuesto Lego Kit Energía Renovable - Generador Manual Rúbrica de evaluación: