
Showing posts from September, 2018

Robotics: The Walker

Guía de Construcción The Walker Acti vidad de Clase 1. Los equipos de trabajo serán de 3 miembros. 2. Distribuir los roles en consenso, considerando una doble función (líder, programador, organizador y constructor). 3. Resolver la ficha en grupo, no olvidar escribir los datos del encabezado. 4. De ser necesario sacar los materiales (reloj y regla), para hacer las pruebas propuestas en la ficha. Recursos: Engranaje sin fin o Tornillo sin fin Estructuras rígidas y flexibles Walker Lego Education 9686 The Walker Lego Walker Lego Education Walker Lego Education


What is an infographic? From English: informational + graphics Infographics are a combination of easy images and texts in order to communicate information in a visual way. Infographics are graphic resources, that express a lot of information in a simple and brief way. Why is it like that? People usually look at the graphics first, and sometimes it's the only things they see. Infographics are very useful to express dificult information and help to understand in an entertaining and a quick way. It is a fun learning tool. Infographics have a powerful visual impact. They are easy to become 'viral' on social networks. To create an infographic, what do you need? An IDEA. A target AUDIENCE. Decide on a DESIGN or a TEMPLATE. FONT styles. GRAPHICS and PHOTOS. A good COLORS combination . To have accurate and concrete INFORMATION. Is there any free infographics app? Yes, there are some good free infographics apps online. T